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Sanket Rahul Bhiogade Drukuj E-mail

Modelling of isotopic signatures in precipitation using particle-based cloud microphysics

Promotor: dr hab. inż. Mirosław Zimnoch, prof. AGH
Promotor pomocniczy : dr Sylwester Arabas

Planowana obrona: 2027 rok.

Opis: The overarching goal of the project is to develop a pioneering model of isotopic effects in clouds using particle-based probabilistic approach for modelling microphysical processes. Particle-based models present a complete rethinking of the way aerosol, cloud and precipitation is treated in geophysical fluid dynamics simulations. The proposed project will offer both the water-isotopic and atmospheric-modelling communities a novel tool for validating hypotheses on water isotopologue pathways in clouds in unprecedented detail. The impact potential of the project lies in the prospect of revising the cloud-temperature/isotopic-ratio relations directly applicable in ice core analyses for paleoclimate reconstructions.
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